1st prize – Nikita Mndoyants


20 000 Euro

Born on March 31st,1989 in Moscow. He started to learn music at the age of 5. Study at theMoscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatoire . Gave concerts in Russia,Germany, Spain and others.

2004 – I prize at the International Youth Competition Performer-Composer in the memory of Anton Rubinstein in St. Petersburg

2005 – I prize at the Concerto Competition at the Tel-Hai in Israel

2006 – Semifinalist at the International Piano Competition in Leeds


1 000 Euro – prize for the best Semi-Final recital


· The ANIMATO Association in Paris – recital at the Cortot Hall in Paris

· Toruń City Hall – the Toruń Prize- recital in Toruń

· Recital at the Festival Annecy

· International Keyboard Institute & Festival- recital in New York

· Polish Music Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles – recital in Paso Robles and Los Angeles

· Recital at the 63. International Chopin Festival in Duszniki Zdrój

· Concert in the Oskar Kolberg Świętokrzyska Philharmonic Hall

· The I. J. PaderewskiPomeranian Philharmonic prize for laureate of the 1st prize – concertwith the Symphonic Orchestra of the Pomeranian Philharmonic conductedby maestro Tadeusz Strugała on March 14, 2008 in the Assembly Hall ofthe Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

· Half-recital at the Witold Lutosławski Festival, „Łańcuch V” June 2008

· Half-recital at the Warsaw Philharmonic